Civilization revolution tech tree
Civilization revolution tech tree

Depot: Now properly contributes towards the in-game score.Fixed Gun: Is now a bit more relaxed about where it can be placed on the map (not a balance change, purely QoL) now properly contributes towards in-game score.Fire Thrower: Ranged armor reduced to 35% (from 40).Civilization Bonus: Now also properly improves Fire Throwers and Heavy Cannon hitpoints by +2% with each Card shipped.Fencing School (II): No longer boosts Warrior Priest creation speed.

civilization revolution tech tree

Native Lore (I): Now makes Native technologies 20% cheaper (previously removed any Coin costs).Water Ceremony (I): No longer benefits Mercenary Warships (such as the mighty Battleship).Long Lines (II): Fixed an issue causing the Longlines tech to be available an age later than usual.Jagiellonian Legacy (Jagiellon Royal House): Cost corrected to intended value of 200 Wood, Food and Coin (from 200 Wood).Crabat (Outlaw): Halved hand attack damage to make this novel unit-type more fair against skirmisher-types (it’s intended counter) but increased cavalry multipliers for no overall damage change against cavalry now properly also counters Shock Infantry cost increased to 150c (from 140) Now properly benefits from the Carabinieri technology.Hajduk (Outlaw): Corrected range to 18 (from 13) corrected damage to 13 (from 18) is no longer being rolled on non-European maps (previously was erroneously in the mercenary rotation).Armored Pistoleer: Ranged damage reduce to 45 (from 53) melee damage reduced to 25 (from 37).Bosniak (Mercenary): Hitpoints reduced to 550 (from 600) damage reduced to 45 (from 50) cost increased to 350 (from 300).Dervish (Sudanese Kingdom): Now properly inflicts reduced damage to Skirmisher-types.Lipka Tartar (Jagiellon Royal House): Damage reduced to 12.5 (from 16).Boyar (Phanar Royal House): Now also inflicts 1.25x to Artillery.Winged Hussar (Vasa Royal House): Winged Hussar delivered by shipments & technologies now has identical stats to the unit trained from Vasa Royal House Trading Posts.Jaeger (Mercenary): Fixed a bug where it did not benefit from the Counter Infantry Rifling upgrade.Irish Brigadier (Mercenary): Added missing Cavalry and Shock Infantry multipliers corrected erroneous tooltip.Deflect Aura: Units with Deflect no longer protect artillery (except the Papal Bombard which already only protects Artillery).

Civilization revolution tech tree